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How To Apply An OnBase License

As a system administrator or project manager, you’ve got enough on your plate without having to muddle through myriad small tasks related to your Hyland OnBase content management system. So here’s a quick guide to apply an OnBase license without all the usual guesswork. By going through the steps below, you’ll have everything you need to, as Larry the Cable Guy would say, “Git ‘er done” without the usual guesswork. Here goes…

  1. Once you’ve received the license file from Hyland or Shamrock Solutions, download it where it’s accessible from the workstation or server you’ll be applying the license from.

  2. Log in to the OnBase Configuration Client with either the Manager account or a user that has rights comparable to the Manager user.

  3. Click on Utils/Licensing/License Certificate/Import.

  4. Click the Browse Button to go to the location you just saved the file to in step 1.

  5. Once you have selected the appropriate file, click on Next.

  6. Review The “Review Pending Licensing Changes” and click on Next once you agree with the changes.

  7. Type in the DataSource Name that matches up with the environment you want to apply this to, and then click on Next.

  8. Review the License Application screen, and then click on Finish to accept your changes. If you want to review this report at a later time, these reports are located in the “SYS – Configuration Reports” Document Type within OnBase.

Need help with any other aspect of your Hyland OnBase project? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at as we’d be happy to assist you. And if you’ve got a specific question, just add it to the comments below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Bruce Jackson, Sales Engineer



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