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[eBook] The Importance of Content Acquisition in a Data-Driven World

Content - and more specifically documents - are everywhere in our business life. Physical and digital content is part of just about every business process, whether it's a contract sent from a customer as an email attachment, a paper invoice mailed to an accounting department, or a large volume of sales orders in a folder. Manual content processing slows down not only the entire process, but often has an unseen chain reaction impact on all downstream activities as well.

Automation drives efficiency across organizations, but intelligent document processing is still missing from most digital transformation strategies. AI and machine learning technology that builds context around data is a critical and often overlooked component of any digital transformation initiative.

At Shamrock, we’ve been working with our customers to implement emerging automation technologies that transform business processes. Whether you’re brand new to the intelligent automation space or a seasoned technology expert taking stock of what can be made better in your business, we're here to help!

Download the Importance of Content Acquisition eBook below to learn how to maximize the 5 elements of content value in your digital transformation strategy today!



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